Unsung Heroes Projects of the Lowell Milken Center empower people to bring the extraordinary stories of unsung heroes to light

The Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes is a remarkable facility for revealing the stories of unsung heroes through documentaries, plays, performances, exhibits, websites and other avenues of expression.

Unsung Heroes are role models whose remarkable acts of courage, compassion, selflessness, perseverance and, quite possibly, sacrifice make a profound and positive difference on the course of history. They change our world for the better, but most of us have never heard of them. Now you can be a part of bringing these extraordinary stories to light in order to inspire people to take actions that improve the lives of others. Unsung Heroes teach the power one has to make a difference—and you have that power to make a difference, too.

The Center has a 10-step process for submitting and building projects. Through its unique project-based learning approach, they “collaborate with students, educators and parents to discover, develop and communicate the remarkable stories of Unsung Heroes. If you would like to discover an Unsung Hero in history and share his or her inspiring contributions to the world, we can help you take this incredibly rewarding journey.”

(See our Your Heroes Section > Submit Heroes category for description of their process for submitting stories, film/video, etc.)

Check out other powerful hero resources at TheHeroPlace, including Hero Tools (such as StoryCraft Hero-Story Writing Software) and Hero Wisdom (such as that of script-writing coach Skip Press) as well as other Hero Organizations (such as the Gallery of Heroes). Also, search or submit to hero databases (such as hero-story databases) from around the Internet in the Your Heroes section of TheHeroPlace.

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