Seeing Sports as a Reflection of the Hero’s Journey

Russell Hirsch discusses the relationship of sports to the hero’s journey in his website, StoryThreads.


“Sports, Stories & Spirituality: A Trinity” (originally posted Feb.5, 2017)

… But there is a subtler, deeper level than that: In this blog, I usually talk about story structure and the resonant, even mystical underlying foundations from which stories draw their power. I believe the rules of many sports are likewise symbolic of the same ancient wisdom as stories.
        In my posts on the Hero’s Journey, I reference Joseph Campbell, Christopher Vogler, and others who envision stories as having a cyclical shape. A character is thrust into a new situation and has to deal with it. Often they literally have to venture out, earn something of value, and return home. In his book, The Writer’s Journey, Vogler notes how similar this is to a baseball diamond. A player circles the bases and returns home with something of value—literally—a point for their team.

Click here to access the full article at Russell Hirsch’s website.

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