Laurie Seymour Tells How Your Real Story is a Hero Story

Coach Laurie Seymour tells how you can create your own new personal hero story to re-direct your life.


“Shatter the Myth: Create Your Own Hero Story”
(Originally appeared in Huffington Post, May 18, 2016, updated Dec. 6, 2017)

… Do you think of yourself as a hero?

Your Self-Stories on Auto-Loop

We tell ourselves stories all the time. About life. “It’s a struggle.” About who we are. “I’m not good at math, at art, at public speaking…” About what’s possible. “If only I were smarter, had more money, didn’t have these obligations hanging over me…”
        You’d think we would get weary of listening to our crummy stories. That we’d prefer to shift our attention to something more energizing.

Becoming the Hero of Your Story

It is essential to discover your real story. Take a moment right now to see if the one you’ve been telling yourself feels true. Remember that your feeling body is your key for discerning that. Use your body as a barometer to see if your story resonates. Resonance feels like flow. When you reflect on your story, does your body crimp? Or feel open and relaxed?…

Check out other powerful hero resources at TheHeroPlace, including Hero Tools (such as StoryCraft Hero-Story Writing Software) and Hero Organizations (such as the Gallery of Heroes) as well as other Hero Wisdom (such as that of script-writing coach Skip Press). Also, search or submit to hero databases (such as hero-story databases) from around the Internet in the Your Heroes section of TheHeroPlace.

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