Search Hero Audio, Including MyHero’s Multiple Audio Categories

[pinned] From the “Search Hero Audio” category of TheHeroPlace’s Your Heroes portal, you can access hero-related organizations’ websites for searching audio of hero narratives, stories, oral histories, poetry, or music about your real-life heroes. (For submitting hero audio, see Submit Hero Audio.)

Note: To search for, biographical information about your hero (hero stories), see also Search Your Heroes. To learn about general projects for collecting hero stories in varied genres (audio, film, video, poetry, music, etc.), see also Submit Your Heroes.

SEARCH My Hero’s CATEGORIES OF HERO AUDIO has an outstanding selection of hero audio to search in multiple categories, including Music, Narrative, Poetry, Music/Songs, etc.:

  • Music
  • Narrative
  • Other
  • Poetry
  • Spoken Word
    Check out other powerful hero resources at TheHeroPlace, including Hero Tools (such as StoryCraft Hero-Story Writing Software), Hero Wisdom (such as that of script-writing coach Skip Press), and Hero Organizations (such as Giraffe Heroes). Also, search or submit to other hero databases (such as hero-film/video databases) in the Your Heroes section of TheHeroPlace.

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