Project-Based Learning Guide from the Milken Center for Unsung Heroes


Project-Based Learning Guide

Looking to develop an Unsung Heroes Project with your students?

While every project is entirely unique, the comprehensive project-based learning (PBL) guide of the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes aims to assist educators in the rewarding process of collaborating with students to discover and develop Unsung Heroes from history. From introducing the concept of heroism, to sharing stories that illuminate the power of Unsung Heroes, to giving specific project development tips, LMC’s 28-page PBL guide will serve as an invaluable resource throughout this life-changing educational journey.

        To discover Unsung Heroes through project-based learning, students draw on primary research and conduct in-depth interviews, gaining firsthand experience with their subject. Students then develop creative ways to communicate the stories of Unsung Heroes—writing plays and books, filming documentaries, designing websites and museum exhibits, creating art projects and more. The exciting discovery process of Unsung Heroes projects equips students with invaluable 21st century academic and life skills, including how to ask questions, think critically, solve problems, work in teams, lead meaningful discussions, and relate the examples set by Unsung Heroes to their own lives. Most importantly, Unsung Heroes projects teach understanding and respect, inspiring students to discover their responsibility and power to create positive change in the world.

Get the PBL Guide and Get Started Now!

This comprehensive guide is available for a one-time tax-deductible donation of $12, and will be mailed directly to you.

You may order this Guide via PayPal from this webpage at the Lowell Milken Center website.

Check out other powerful hero resources at TheHeroPlace, including Hero Wisdom (such as that of script-writing coach Skip Press) and Hero Organizations (such as My Hero) as well as other Hero Tools (such as StoryCraft Hero-Story Writing Software). Also, search or submit to hero databases (such as hero-story databases) from around the Internet in the Your Heroes section of TheHeroPlace.

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