“The Archetype of the Hero’s Journey” page of Varsity Tutors has links to videos from around the Internet that explain or illustrate facets of the Hero’s Journey. For Example:
The Hero’s Journey
This YouTube video (5:46) focuses on the character types found in the monomyth. It uses examples from Happy Gilmore, Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Indiana Jones, The Wizard of Oz, Pirates of the Caribbean, and The Karate Kid. Preview for appropriateness.
A Host of Heroes
This TED-ED video (4:54) uses examples from Beowulf, Oedipus, Romeo and Juliet, Star Wars, Zorro, and King Arthur to explore the differences between the epic, tragic, and romantic hero. Captioned, includes follow-up questions.
An Anti-Hero of One’s Own
This TED-ED video (4:11) explores the pattern of the anti-hero using references to Fahrenheit 451 and 1984, among others. Captioned, includes follow-up questions and other support.
What Makes a Hero?
This TED-ED video (4:34) outlines Campbell’s monomyth or hero’s journey, with special emphasis on Katniss Everdeen of The Hunger Games . Captioned, includes follow-up questions.
Click here to access the Varsity Tutors website.
Check out other powerful hero resources at TheHeroPlace, including Hero Tools (such as StoryCraft Hero-Story Writing Software) and Hero Organizations (such as the Gallery of Heroes) as well as other Hero Wisdom (such as that of script-writing coach Skip Press). Also, search or submit to hero databases (such as hero-story databases) from around the Internet in the Your Heroes section of TheHeroPlace.
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