Heroic Wisdom

Over the years, through researching the books I have written on interpersonal communications, lexicography, fundamentalism, legalization, political thought, and other subjects, I have developed a philosophy encompassing critical thinking, decision making, ethical behavior, and thought and action generally.

I call this philosophy or theory “Heroic Wisdom” because we are all heroes when we have the courage to live life and face our hero’s journey — with all its tribulations, doubts, contradictions and mysteries — using just enough confidence, humility, love, and leaps of faith needed to make our wisest decisions.

In almost all the columns and articles that I write for magazines and newspapers, whether dealing with minor incidents of day-to-day life or of major current events, I inject this philosophy into every discussion. I have found that, in some way or another, applying Heroic Wisdom helps to resolve or at least greatly clarify almost any issue… and it is especially useful for dealing with sensitive subjects otherwise associated with so much controversy, distrust, and anger that our biased thinking too often overrides our better judgement.

I am now working on completing three books on Heroic Wisdom, one for academics, one for the general public, and one for young adults. I will post on this blog, as often as possible, my thoughts about the Heroic Wisdom philosophy as well as my ongoing progress in publicizing this philosophy to the widest possible audience.

Your interest and support are not only appreciated but vital to the dissemination of Heroic Wisdom to all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Irwin Berent