About Hero Portals

Hero Portals — a virtual community/campus for everything to do with the Hero’s Journey and making heroic lives — has been years in the making.

The seeds of the idea were sowing long ago when John Jarvis and Irwin Berent first designed a software program for writing fiction based on the Hero’s Journey paradigm.

Years later, the ideas have morphed into a grand home of wisdom and tools for “all things hero, heroic, and Hero’s Journey” — Hero Portals — where you can not only purchase the StoryCraft Classic Software  or StoryCraft New Edition  software programs but also take in an entire holistic experience of life improvement and wisdom at the same time.  The ideas behind the hero’s journey have grown in usefulness, and the concepts behind the hero’s journey have been adapted to purposes far beyond its original inspiration and purpose of simply creating a fictional story and have entered the realms of education, medicine, therapy, wellness, success, creativity, history, economics, interpersonal relationships, and personal development in myriads of ways.

The value of understanding how we are all part of multiple and cyclical hero’s journeys is more important than ever before. And with recent events ranging from terrorism to natural disaster to social instability and unrest — not to mention COVID-19 — interest in, and appreciation for, our heroes, past and present has also never been greater.


While all can use the StoryCraft  software to write any kind of fictional stories, Mr. Berent designed Hero Portals as a place for all who hunger to understand better their condition in life and to correct and improve however they can. It is also a place where young and old can join together to promote the spirit of heroism and to recognize, write about, talk about, learn about our greatest and favorite heroes, both personal and historical.

We are delighted to welcome you to this experience — the experience of learning about yourself and your trials and your joys, and of highlighting the greatness in our friends and mentors, our teachers and healers, our protectors and caregivers…our heroes, while celebrating the best in others, and ourselves, and recognizing the value in even our enemies and antagonists and all who move us and challenge us to change.

Travelling in these journeys, discovering and growing along the way, you have a place — at Hero Portals — in which to discover hero tools and wisdom as well as to purchase the unique StoryCraft software program to create stories and fully integrate Hero Portals, and the Hero’s Journey, into the story-writing/story-telling/story-appreciating process.

Use Hero Portals for...

Discover a host of resources, organizations, projects, stories and other creative methods of honoring your heroes, historical, local or personal. Particularly in these times of COVID-19, terrorism, crime, and wildfires, heroes abound right now as well as throughout history.
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Use Hero Portals for...

Help to establish and be part of a community of people interested in utilizing the hero’s journey and promoting the work of Hero Portals, which is a constantly growing online home for everything to do with heroes, heroism, and the uses of the hero’s journey.
Find out about hero-related organizations and their activities and projects.
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Use Hero Portals for...

The Hero Place is ideal for Homeschooling in English, Writing, Literature, and History because it is an exhaustive online oasis focused particularly on the hero’s journey, providing access to thousands of resources that feature the hero’s journey and learning about everything to do with heroes and heroism, including teacher resources and curricula, hero organizations, and hero-related blogs, online books, and more as well as writing software and other writing tools.
Discover hero-related organizations.
Engage in creative projects to promote one’s heroes.
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Use Hero Portals for...

Find resources, courses, classes and life coaches to improve your life through the Journey paradigm.
Discover your heroic self.
Develop a heroic personality.
Handle past trauma, or deal with disease & illnesses, through the prism of the Hero’s Journey.
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Use Hero Portals for...

Discover resources for engaging customers in ways that see their needs from the perspective of their own hero’s journeys.
Learn to improve your business planning by better appreciating your business’s heroic journey.
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Use Hero Portals for...

Discover innumerable creative outlets — writing, art, video, etc. — for expressing, honoring and promoting heroism and illustrating the hero’s journey.
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Founder of the Heroic Wisdom philosophy, Irwin Berent is also the creator of Hero Portals and co-designer of the original StoryCraft, the writer’s software that allows you to write your own hero story, book, novel, or screenplay. He is also chief writer/consultant for ShortBios.com, helping people of all backgrounds and occupations tell their stories in short biography. In addition to his devotion to promoting the hero in us all, Irwin is the author of numerous books, including The Right Words; The Quotable Conservative; Drug Legalization; Norfolk, Virginia: Evolution of A City in Maps; Crewmen of the U.S.S. Monitor, etc.; founder of the Plain Writing Association; CEO of Norfolk History Publishers; and webmaster of numerous websites.

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